Listing Details of 'Hospital San Judas Tadeo'

Hospital San Judas Tadeo

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Category:  General Hospitals
Address:  Villa Lucre, Panama City, Panama,
Subcontinent and Continent:  Central America , America
Country:  Panama
Phone  507-277-7500
City:  Ciudad de Panamá
State:  Panamá
Latitude:  8.95242
Longitude:  -79.53538
Zip Code: 
Contact Address:  Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá
Latitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  8° 57' 8" N
Longitude in Degree, Minute, Second [Direction]:  79° 32' 7" W
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection is: Northing: 989912, Easting: 661020, Zone: 17P
GPS (Global Positioning System) is: Northing: 989912, Easting: 661020, Zone: 17P
Local TM (Transverse Mercator) projection centered at longitude: -81
Lambert Projection: Northing: -1934875, Easting: 7013473
Browser/Visitor at Columbus, United States is:  0 km away from this Hospital-Hospital San Judas Tadeo, Panama




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Logo and images portrayed above may be the proprietory content of Hospital San Judas Tadeo. All other images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.


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Country Info (click on the down-arrow to expand)

Country Population Area Capital/Currency Code
Panama 3410676 78200.0 Panama City/PAB
Panama occpies 75517 km of territory, which is 0.0005% of world's total territory and it stands at rank 118 in the list of largest countries in the world. Located on the Isthmus of Panama .

Local time: Fri, 19 Apr 2024, 18:11:38
 at America/Panama

Currency: Balboa, US Dollar
Official Languages: Spanish
Other Languages: English 14%
Language Codes: es-PA,en
Political System: constitutional democracy
Land/Water Area (in Sq km): 74340.00/1080
Elevation (Above/Below) Sea Level in meters: 3475.0/0
GDP per Capita Income (in USD): 10700
Birth per 1000: 18.61
Death per 1000: 4.77

Additional information [Links to websites]

Date & Time Zones in Panama

UTC/GMT Date Time: Apr 19 2024 23:29:46

  • UTC-05:00
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    While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Accuracy is intended but is not guaranteed.


    Links from World Hospital Directory to third-party Hospital San Judas Tadeo sites do not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory of the parties of their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements. if any and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by World Hospital Directory, and World Hospital Directory has not investigated the claims made by them. Information is based solely on material collected by World Hospital Directory.

    Proprietory Content

    Logo, images or construct may be the proprietory of Hospital San Judas Tadeo. All other information, including images of this website are proprietory content of World Hospital Directory, except in case of caveat or expressively stated.